Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Last bastion of feudalism" attacked by castle-owners

Pink Dog is rooting for Michael Crick and more news about Sark.

Presumably this refers to Jack Straw telling the Sark legislature that they must elect a democratic legislature without reserved seats for land owning tenants.

Things have been bubbling away in Sark for a while. The owners of the Telegraph and many other media outlets, the Barclay family, live on Brecqhou, which is a small island off Sark which is, er, also a small island in the Channel Islands.

That's when things get fascinating. Long-term friends of Baroness Thatcher, Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay have been leading a charge against Sark (despite (or perhaps because of) actually owning at least a sixth of the Sark tenement by virtue of owning Brecqhou, and probably considerably more now that they have bought up several hotels and businesses on Sark itself).

The Barclays have described Sark as Europe's "last bastion of feudalism".

It is interesting for an attack on "feudalism" to be led by two people who live in a large castle or "fort" (see photo here).

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