Saturday, June 21, 2008

Henley legal threats - Tories chicken out

I notice that there have been some fascinating updates on the BBC story about the Tory panicky "legal action" threats in Henley.

Basically, they have dropped the one about Boris' photo in the magazine. Thames confirms this. Perhaps someone in the Tory party retinue actually looked at the magazine in question!

And they have chickened out of issuing a writ, which they said they would issue at noon yesterday, if we didn't withdraw the Townlands Hospital leaflet, which we said we wouldn't. But they still seem to be thinking about that one. The BBC says: "The party has instructed its solicitors to "pursue the matter legally" but a writ has yet to be issued." ("Pursue the matter legally" could mean looking it up on the internet...or having a little lawyerly huddle over some cups of tea and mentioning it (and then having a good laugh about it in this case)...anything).

They can think on. I don't think I have seen such a textbook example of a "bomb proof" leaflet as the Townlands hospital one. The quotes from the former and current chair of the hospital campaign were obtained in writing with documented permission to use. And the whole thing was meticulously backed up with direct and exact quotes from Tory leaflets.

The Tories really are barking up the most ridiculous tree.

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