Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Advice to Nick Clegg: Don't go on "Just a Minute"

Well, I am delighted that James said it first:

Assuming (Clegg) does get elected however, I do hope he will spend the Christmas break working out where he went wrong over the campaign and getting some serious media training.

I listened to Huhne and Clegg on Today this morning (available to listen here under "0750 Who will be the next leader of the liberal democrats?). I resisted the temptation to fire off a blog about it immediately - I would have risked getting another pile of steaming Norfolk manure dumped over my head.

But James has now said what I was thinking, so I can venture gingerly forth.

Let's face it guys, Clegg is very weak in the media environment. On Today this morning he was in danger of entering the Guinness Book of Records for the world record number "ums" and "ahs" and "errs" in the shortest space of time on a broadcast interview. Huhne, in contrast, got his messages out sharply and forcefully with no hesitation. He sounded great.

If Clegg becomes leader, there is certainly one media engagement he should avoid like the plague.

Don't for goodness sake go on "Just a Minute", Nick! You'll be kiboshed for hesitation, deviation and repetition within half a nano second of starting.

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