Monday, September 1, 2008

It's McCain stupid

The news that the 17 year old daughter of US Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Bristol, is five months pregnant is a bit of a surprise. But at least this news comes directly from the McCain campaign. I felt somewhat uneasy about the weekend pieces by ArcXIX, a diary writer on the Daily Kos site about the youngest of Sarah Palin's children allegedly being the child of Bristol. There was no actual hard evidence, just a slew of circumstantial speculation and some carefully selected photos (one of which was from 2006, well out of the normal pregnancy period and at least three photos of Sarah Palin looking pregnant were ignored).

I really do feel hugely uncomfortable about a 17 year old suddenly being dropped into such exposure, especially after already having gone through the trauma of discovering herself pregnant, with all the family upheaval and worry that must have caused.

But the buck should stop with John McCain. It really is extraordinary that he has chosen such an unproven Veep candidate with two oven-ready scandals at her door - specifically the ongoing ethics investigation into the sacking of her Public Safety Commissioner, and this teenage pregnancy which has now been announced.

This is a judgment issue for McCain - not a question for the Palins.

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