Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cameron gets bike and humble pie

David Cameron's bike has been returned to him minus a wheel (the one on eBay must have been a fake - shock! horror!).

The Mirror has a photo of Cameron when he realised his bike had gone.

The irony of the recovery is that it was found after just an hour's searching by a couple of local community types called Ernest Theophile, a strong Labour supporter, and his Rasta friend "KJ".

Ernest said:

I’m delighted that it’s a happy ending. After a chat with some of the kids, I got their trust and respect and they told me where the bike was. It just shows that the kids want to do good. It’s just about the right communication with them.

I don't think there is much love lost between the Mirror and Cameron (he once had an acrimonious lunch with the editor of the Daily Mirror).

So the fact that the Mirror found the bike and even bought him a new wheel, must require a bit of humble pie consumption by Cameron.

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