Sunday, August 10, 2008

Under-stated sotto voce subtlety of the week #2

The Yorksher Gob continues to entertain. Yesterday Jennie (for it is she) offered this remarkably nuanced thesis of equivocal thinking on the monarchy:

Bloody Republicans make me SWEAR.

(that's anti-monarchy republicans, not American members of the GOP)

They're such sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, patronising A******ES.If you don't want to murder the queen in her bed and dance on her grave, you're anti-democratic!!!

Oh **** OFF.

Have you ever considered that as the majority of people in this country want to retain the monarchy, it is YOU, you dogmatic ****wit, who is anti-democratic?

Just because
YOU want to subject us all to the expense and annoyance of an election every however many years for a SYMBOLIC POSITION, doesn't mean you have the right to enforce that view on the rest of us, in the name of democracy. The will of the people is to retain the monarchy. If you think that democracy is the be-all and end-all of everything, can you not just ****ing accept that and move on?

OK then.

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