Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Borisisms

I am still not entirely sure what one calls classic Borisisms. Is it Borisisms? Or Borisms? (A similar dilemma to: Is it (or indeed was it) Obamamania or Obamania? - I think the latter won over).

Or should it be Borisinalia?

Doing a quick google, it seems that "Borisisms" wins. There is a list of 20 here. So I don't know why I bothered to wonder about it now. Sorry.

Any road up, Decca Aitkenhead's 100 days article in the Guardian, entitled Capital Charmer throws up three new Borisisms which I thoroughly enjoyed. I have attempted to categorise them below:

Category: WTF?

I'm sticking to our general desire to reduce CO2 by 60% by 2025. And, you know, you're going to see some really fantastic things on cycling. I would say to people, add that adjective - I mean, no, cycling's not an adjective, it's a participle - add that participle, OK? It's going to be clean, green, safe - and cycling.

Category: Getting one's head round really big stuff know what planning's like, it's mega stuff, you've got to look at big balsa wood models of new developments...

Category: No, that's not a good idea, Boris

"Oh, incessantly", he laughs, when asked how often he and the Tory leader, David Cameron, talk. "We're scarcely ever off the phone. In fact I'm going to ring him now. Let's ring Cameron." Let's not, his aide interjects.

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