Tuesday, November 4, 2008


12:40 I am oscillating between catching a bit of shut-eye, losing the will to live and spasms of excitement. In 2.5 hours of watching CNN I have just seen the first real data on CNN. Indiana is tight - 51 for McCain against 48% of Obama with 21% of the votes counted BUT the county split shows that the Democrat areas such as Gary haven't started counting yet. So, Obama is doing really well in normally red republican areas.

01:00 Further encouraging Indiana county updates from http://www.dailykos.com/:

Obama's hanging tough, and Lake County (Gary) has yet to report, Marion County (Indianapolis) is 2% in, and St. Joseph's County (South Bend) is only 33% in.
These are the Dem strongholds in the state.
UPDATE: St. Joseph's now 62% in, Marion 8% in.
Overall, 51-48 McCain.
It still looks terrific for Obama.
Update 2: Monroe County (Bloomington) also hasn't reported

01:07 The Viginia county picture is showing Obama ahead of where Kerry was in 04 in red Repubican areas, while Democrat counties are not in yet.

01:08 Florida county picture - Obama is doing much better than Kerry did in mid swing counties of the state.

01:24 Encouraging news from North Carolina from Kos:

Obama Doing Much Better Among N. Carolina Whites Than Kerry
by Jed L
Tue Nov 04, 2008 at 05:14:33 PM PST
In 2004, John Kerry won 27% of white voters in North Carolina.
In 2008, Barack Obama is winning 37%.

01:29 About three networks - CBS, MSNBC, Fox - have now called Pennsylvania for Obama. That's siginificant. And even CNN have declared New Hampshire for Obama.

01:32 Mark Warner has had a "blow out" in Virginia - which bodes well for Obama

01:40 Even CNN now calls Pennsylvania for Obama - that's a big deal!

01: 48: Kos says Virginia is still hopeful:
Yeah, Obama is down 100,000 votes in Virginia, but there have been hardly any votes reported from the very large and very solid blue NoVa counties -- Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax. Just wait -- it took Webb a while to lock that race down in 2006, largely because NoVa came in slower. Everything is cool -- Virginia is still very much in play.

Dave Gergen on CNN says Florida county votes - especially Orlando - are looking very good for Obama

02:00 Fox have called New Mexico for Obama apparently- that's siginificant.

02:10 Exit polls in Colorado +15 for Obama!

2:25 Incredible news! ABC and Fox call Ohio for Obama. CNN is about to follow suit. OBAMA HAS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2:30 CNN confirms Ohio for Obama. CBS, Fox and MSNBC have already done so. It's over. Kerry states + Ohio = 272 for Obama.


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