Sunday, March 9, 2008

Boots show the way on organ donation

It is not often that one sees unalloyed good being done by a commercial enterprise. One million people have joined the organ donation register through their Boots loyalty card:

New customers simply tick a box on the application form to register their wishes.
Seven times more women than men have signed up since the partnership was launched in 2000 and 89 people have donated their organs after death via the scheme.

I remain opposed to the "opt out" proposal. This Boots sheme shows that there is still a latent pool of people who want to opt in - but they have to have the opportunity put "under their nose" to do it.

You only have to look at the comparison with Holland. There, 44% of people carry an organ donation card. Here it is 25%.

We see lots of "sexy" celebrity adverts for blood donation. Let's see the same thing for organ donation before we take the illiberal step of an "opt out" system.

If you haven't already signed up to donate your organs upon your death you can do so here (you can choose between some options).

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