Friday, April 4, 2008

Cobblers about Cleggover

Steve Richards on the Independent's Open House says Nick Clegg should be worried because three journalists think Nick Clegg was naive to give an interview to Piers Morgan about his private life:

For Nick Clegg there was univeral scathing disdain, largely for his naivety over giving an interview to Piers Morgan in GQ and then answering questions about his sex life. In a short time Clegg has had two nicknames, ‘Calamity Clegg’ and ‘Cleggover’. Neither adds to his gravitas.

I usually have great respect for Steve Richards' output but on this occasion he, and the other three journalists, are talking unmitigated cobblers. Reading the transcript so far released, it is clear that Nick Clegg is disarmingly open and honest in the interview. He is making a name for himself in this respect. When he admitted he didn't believe in God and revealed a liking for Bowie's greatest hits album, Changes, on Radio Five, he was also being unusually frank and open for a politician.

Yes, Nick Clegg is in great danger of being seen as a member of the human race.

Terrible isn't it?

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