These awards are intended to complement, rather than detract from, the LibDem Blog awards and exclude LibDem blog awards shortlistees or ennobled judges.
The winners are entitled to display the winners' badge above on their blog and are as follows, in alphabetical order of first name. I have added a few words of commendation after each winner.
Many thanks and well done to all the winners!
Alex Folkes - A Lanson Boy - A bright new blog with lots of great photos.
Alasdair Wood - A Radical View - A passionate and energetic young blogger.
Bridget Fox - Bridget's Blog - A lively, local campaigning blog.
Caron Lindsay - Caron’s musings - An increasingly active and engaging blog.
Charlotte Gore - Charlotte Gore Blog - A highly original blog with attitude (in a good way).
Colin Ross - Colin Ross News Stories - Short and snappy, hardly a day goes by without a post from Colin.
Duncan Borrowman - Duncan Borrowman - Another short and snappy blogger who comes up with lots of original angles. Deserves special mention for using his blog very effectively in his campaign about Derek Conway.
Fraser Macpherson - Cllr Fraser Macpherson - A very lively campaigning blog which is particularly insightful on Scottish affairs.
Gavin Whenman - Gavin's Gaily Gigest (previously The Whiskey Priest) - A wry and inventive take on politics, with an exciting layout.
Irfan Ahmed - Irfan Ahmed - This boy is on fire! Although a recent starter, Irfan has made up for this with prodigious output and the invention of the phrase "snobby Tories".
James Schneider - Schneider Home - One of the most promising new bloggers of 2007/8. James has a remarkable depth of knowledge, particularly on American affairs. I just wish he'd finish that expresso!
Jo Anglezarke - Jo’s Jottings - Though this blog is now defunct, Jo deserves a big pat on the back for inventive and persistent posting.
Jo Christie Smith - Jo Christie-Smith - A very consistent and lively blogger, with a sidebar feed of LibDem Women bloggers, who deserves full marks for combining blogging with the "Who's Who in the LibDems" directory and regular appearances on Sky News.
Linda Jack - Lindylooz Muze - Simply a legend. I am still looking forward to the promised photo of Linda in army uniform, but, in the meantime, the one of her wearing bright pink boots, within the ranks of uniformed retired Paratroopers, will suffice!
Meral Ece - Meral’s Musings - Meral writes very interestingly on a wide range of local, national and international subjects.
Nich Starling - Norfolk Blogger - Another legend. Nich has built up an enviably cross-party readership with frank, spontaneous and passionate blogging.
Paula Keaveney - Paula Keaveney -Lib Dem campaigner - A consistently active local blog from the European Capital of Culture.
Chris and Glynis Abbott - Chris & Glynnis Abbott - A remarkably lively local blog with lots of excellent photos. Deserves special mention for their prominent promotion of Yorkshire Day.
Stephen Glenn - Stephen's Linlithgow Journal - A breezy and humourous take on local, national and international matters.
Suzanne Fletcher - Suzanne Fletcher's Blog - A very regular and in-depth local blog.
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