Spot the difference: A pit bull (left) and a pig (right)
Obama was referring to McCain when he made his "lipstick on a pig" remark. But even if we, for a moment, accept the McCain charge that he was referring to Palin, I am still trying to work out why being likened to a pig is so much worse than being likened to a pit bull (admittedly by yourself). See handy pictures above for comparison.
It seems that the McCain team are jumping around like crazed hyenas on anything they can work up into a supposed "gaffe". The latest one is meant to be the honesty of Joe Biden who, with great modesty and humility said that "Hillary...might have been a better pick than me" (see below).Politico's Victoria McGrane points out that Biden's remark came in response to a question from a man saying he was glad Obama had chosen Biden over Clinton; Biden was rising to her defence (Who said chivalry was dead?)
All this false anger just demonstrates the old theory of "empty vessels make most noise". McCain has nothing to offer but four more years of Bush failed policies carried out by two even more right wing protaganists. So he is covering this up by foaming at the mouth about nothing.
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