Well done and trebles all round to Stephen Tall on LibDem Voice for a stonking good service in live blogging from the "Make it Happen" debate at conference.
The amendment was "clearly defeated" (which could be 60-40 - we'll find out later). The motion was passed overwhelmingly with only a few against, which is a MAJOR achievement for Nick Clegg. It went through with great help from a "Vince Pincer" movement (phrase copyright S Tall 2008) - a pincer movement of two speakers (Graham Watson and Lord McNally) intimating that adopting the amendment would be a slap in the face for Vince Cable, Liberal Superhero.
Emotionally I tend to be with the amenders. Evan Harris always brings out the emotional woolly Liberal in me and he was in typical witty and passionate form this afternoon, according to ST. Roger Roberts also turns on my weak-kneed liberal gooiness like a tap and he made some excellent points.
But the big conference guns were out in force: Simon Hughes with his full authority, Vince Cable coming down specially from Mount Sinai, Danny Alexander, Mike German, Jo Swinson, Lord McNally, Chris Huhne....these are the sort of people who swing conference votes.
Monday, September 15, 2008
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