Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Republicans blow their main advantage

In the FT, James Carville has an excellent article entitled: "The Day McCain's party blew it's political advantage" (needs free registration to read the full article):

So what does the Palin choice mean? In the short term, in its most favourable light, it looks like a gimmick. Maybe one that energises the base but still a gimmick. The long-term effect is more consequential: the party has lost the high ground on national security. Consider that a reform-oriented state senator from a Midwestern state runs for US Senate in 2010. Assuming he or she lacks a military or foreign service background, you can assume the Republicans would argue the Democrat lacks national security experience. Now, because of Mr McCain’s lack of judgment, it would not be a stretch to hear: “I have just as much national security experience as Mr McCain’s pick for vice-president.”

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