Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What planet is Terry Wogan on?

I am having a funny week. I seem to be gravitating towards Radio Two for some reason. Goodness knows why - their music playlist is a bit like "Groundhog Day" - not exactly "I've got you, babe" repeated everyday - but near to it.

Anyway, Terry Wogan is a funny old bird isn't he? Chauffeur driven from his Thameside mansion to roll out his show and sees fit this morning to comment on a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation saying that a single person in Britain needs to earn at least £13,400 a year to afford a basic but acceptable standard of living.

Wogan wades in. "Does that include tax and paying your mortgage? What planet are they (the report writers) on?"

To which the riposte must be: "What planet is Wogan on?"

Yes, it is before tax and includes rent on a modest council home.

But the fact that Wogan thinks that someone on basic earnings can even dream of being able to afford a mortgage, and felt the need to share this ignorance with the nation, might suggest that it is time for the old TOGmeister to hang up his toupee and retire to look after his millions.

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