Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Has Cameron connected with the British public?

A Lanson Boy and Wit and Wisdom have written very interestingly about the latest phase of Cameroonism. The latter writes:

Perhaps its time for us to put the endless policy reviews and votes on goldfish on hold for a few years and do a bit more selling of the excellent policies we have.

I agree with that. I am not sure that Cameron has "connected" with the public, though. He has benefitted from a disastrously regarded Prime Minister and a bit of a wobble on the economy. He has managed to erase the bad image of the Tories - but has been helped by the passage of years and failing memories.

Cameron's lead in the polls just seems a lot more flimsy and ungrounded than Blair's was when he was in opposition. The Cameron balloon will burst but probably only once he is in power, in which case it will burst all over the British public. If Cameron does win the next election (unless something happens to suddenly make him more serious and profound before then) it will be a remarkable victory for hot air.

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