Monday, July 21, 2008

Advice for Gordon Brown in Southwold

BBC Online asked last week for advice for Gordon Brown as to what to do when he is on holiday in Southwold, Suffolk (above).

You could actually do a fifties or sixties version of "Life on Mars" or "Ashes to Ashes" (the TV programmes with Gene Hunt, that is) in Southwold. Perhaps a series involving a flashback to 1967 called "The Laughing Gnome"? It still had a haberdashery when I went there a few years ago.

Anyway, I submitted some Southwold-type advice for our PM to the BBC, but it appears to have been lost in the ether. So, to save my advice from evaporation, here's what I said:

"Gordon Brown should visit Adnam's brewery in Southwold and enjoy a pint of Broadside in the brewery tap. Mine was served by the head brewer when I visited. It was memorably refreshing. I left the bar with the floors beautifully swaying, to make my way to my train back to London."

There you are. Quite magnanimous and fair-spirited, I thought. No barbed remarks about shoving his head in the vat or anything like that....

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