Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin

Google's Top Ten of fastest rising search terms during 2008 has "Sarah Palin" at the top of it.

Don't I know it. My natural curiosity would have, of itself, fueled most of my many posts on Madam Palin during the autumn. But the fact that if I put "Sarah Palin" in a title it caused my humble little hitcounter to go ballistic may have, I freely admit, egged me on a bit.

At the turn of the year, I'll be posting the top ten viewed posts on Liberal Burblings. The way things are going, the most popular post is likely to be a surprise. Nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It's one of two posts (on the same non-political subject) which have given me endless self-gratuitous hitcounter-viewing pleasure throughout the year. I'll keep you in suspenders until early January.

But I can give you a sneaky peeky into the top ten by saying that a Sarah Palin post will be near the top. One of my Sarah Palin posts went completely ballistic and I had over a thousand hits on one day for it. Small beer in the scheme things, admittedly, but for this humble burbling blogger, it was quite exciting - especially as the overwhelming majority of the hits were coming from the Good ol' USA.

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