So, it is like "manna from heaven" when a ready-made loyal and experienced LibDem activist "drops into one's lap" and moves to one's ward. For a LibDem activist, it is a bit like Christmas. Someone who knows the ropes, has shown proven loyalty to the cause...great!
So it was with great delight a few years ago that we found out that an active LibDem from Islington had moved into our ward. He had been a council candidate and was an experienced campaigner. Trebles all round! But, more relevantly, take round a bundle of Focuses immediately. That we did and the said golden find, Mark Thatcher, was a loyal deliverer for years. He progressed to being very actively involved in our campaigning and then served as Chair of Newbury Liberal Democrats for several years. (He had previously been Chair of Islington LibDems). He was particularly keen on canvassing and surveying. He was a key component in several of our election successes, in particular a series of Thatcham by-election successes last year.
It was clear that Mark was a totally committed Liberal Democrat (well, he'd have to be to patiently take all the predictable jibes about his baroneted namesake). I also noticed that he "walked the talk" with his work for a charity and travelling to work by train and bike. But, mostly, Mark was a gentle, unassuming and faultlessly patient and affable man. It was a pleasure to work with him.
It is therefore very distressing to mention that Mark has passed away after a battle with cancer. Details of an event being held in his memory on Friday in Newbury are here. That link is to a participative site set up by Mark's family during his illness.
My sincere thoughts and prayers are with Mark's family.
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