I am delighted to second the Norfolk Blogger's praise of Chris Grayling. Iain Dale chose NB's posting about Grayling as part of his Daley Dozen yesterday.
Apart from Grayling, I cannot think of a single Conservative spokesperson since Keith Joseph who does not turn me into immediate apoplexy the moment they appear on telly. William Waldegrave used to make me shout at the box. Teresa May sends me into uncontrollable spasms of horror and rage just by appearing on the screen, even before she says anything. That Fox bloke sends me off the Richter scale of outrage eruptions.
Grayling is the only Conservative politician who does not send me into a rage-fuelled high blood pressure crisis. I actually feel the man might actually be talking some sense and that he's not just saying what he says because he thinks he ought to.
And of course, he is a member of the organisation of which I am the proud Life Patron - the BOGS (Bald Old Gits' Society). If some of Iain's other posts (e.g. on Simon Mayo and ageism in the media generally) are anything to go by, then perhaps Grayling's BOG status might count against him. I trust not.
However, having the likes of me and Nich Starling praising him might send his career into a premature nosedive.
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