Speaking yesterday afternoon, Boris Johnson says we will have to "wait and see" whether he stands for London Mayor.
But his website currently says:
Boris confirmed as London Mayoral candidate
Boris Johnson will run as a candidate for London Mayor, as reported in The Telegraph this morning. More to come on this post later...
That announcement was removed from his home page after ten minutes yesterday morning, BUT the silly chumps have left it on the "archive" page for the actual posting. So it is still alive and kicking on the worldwide web. Just so there is no doubt, my screen shot above shows the web page as it was at 08:50hrs this morning with the time of the screen shot shown from www.timeanddate.com.
The even more silly thing is that the survival of the 'confirmation' web page was pointed out on Conservative Home yesterday morning.
If Boris Johnson can't run his own web site properly, how can he be trusted to run London?
UPDATE 11:41hrs 14th July: Finally the offending page has been removed, 25 hours too late!
"Offending" page? I thought it was rather amusing.