I have no doubt I shall, please Heaven, begin to be more beforehand with the world, and to live in a perfectly new manner, if -if, in short, anything turns up.
Wilkins Micawber in "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens
It seems Mr Micawber helped to write this part of the conference motion on the Nuclear Deterrent:
Conference therefore calls on the Government to follow this course in order that a final decision on the manufacture of a successor to the Vanguard class submarines be taken in 2014. Such a policy would allow:
...A clearer picture to develop concerning the proliferation of states that possess nuclear weapons and their ability to directly threaten Britain, its neighbours and allies.
...A clearer picture to develop concerning the proliferation of states that possess nuclear weapons and their ability to directly threaten Britain, its neighbours and allies.
In other words, "Something will turn up". The only slight snag is that it never does, in this case. These matters are always in turmoil, and always will be.
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