As someone who always had it drummed into me to straighten my tie, it annoyed me that the UK Prime Minister used to appear with a skew-whiff tie. After a few months of skew-whiffery, Major sorted himself out and seemed to get the gist of the tie straightening thing (I am certain not as a result of my letter to Norma)
Any road up, Gordon Brown was on AM yesterday with Andrew Marr. Tie completely off kilter. Very annoying.
That wouldn't, in itself, justify a blog post on the subject but, lo and behold, he sits down for an interview and...oh dear. It's almost too grotesque to mention. He had those horrid white gaps between his trousers and his socks. They kept on cutting to a shot of him sitting with those horrid gaps. I couldn't watch it and hid behind the sofa instead.
If this man wants to be PM, he needs to sort himself out - straighten his tie and pulls his socks up. Despite sending thousands unnecessarily to their deaths in Iraq, at least Tony Blair gets those presentational basics right.
What nonsense. What politicians say and do is far more important than how they appear. Comments like yours further trivialise politics.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, Liberal Democrats are hardly in a position to give sartorial advice, and your photograph doesn't inspire confidence in your judgement of fashion either. I suspect that your letter to Norma Major was written in green ink.
You do yourself a disservice.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you're sartorial tips were of great use to Mr. Major.
He's always struck me as the kind of guy who just doesn't think about how he looks. More important things on his mind I guess. But, saying that, it did look bloody ridiculous, his trousers were almost at his knees!
ReplyDeleteAh, but somebody I know in Labour thinks that he has a great brain. I suppose that's to go with his knife.
ReplyDeleteNot impressed!
He's disgraceful. Greasy hair, sullen hangdog mouth, dandruff on his shoulders I expect (I'm only guessing - never been that close, thanks goodness).
Compare him to the suave Blair at that dinner before Christmas - Mansion House I think - white tie and all.
But then I'm one of the great minority, it seems, who wants Blair to stay. Looks good, sounds good. What else do we need in a prime minister? Political nous? Well, most of the time he has that too, in my humble opinion. How many of us have that even in small doses?
Google "Keep Tony Blair for PM" if you fancy the unmentionable option.
Replying to the Anonymous who said...
ReplyDelete"What nonsense. What politicians say and do is far more important than how they appear."
Where would Michael Foot/duffel coat/"Worzel Gummidge"/Worst Labour defeat in history fit into that theory then?
"In any case, Liberal Democrats are hardly in a position to give sartorial advice,"
The Liberal Democrat aspiring to be Prime Minister is Sir Menzies Campbell QC, who is a model exquisite tailored elegance at all times.
" and your photograph doesn't inspire confidence in your judgement of fashion either."
I know this will come as a shock for you, but I am not aspiring to be Prime Minister.
"I suspect that your letter to Norma Major was written in green ink."
No, but her reply was.
I agree. The man is a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteDavid O'L
Paul did you realise you received a mention on 18doughtystreet.com on Monday night?
Many thanks David and Happy New Year to you. No I didn't realise I had been honoured with a mentioned on the great 18 DOughty Street so I will now eagerly watch their footage for last night. All the best. Paul