Sunday, October 1, 2006

Another gloomy poll for the Tories

Hot on the heels of yesterday's YouGov poll, an ICM poll in the Sunday Mirror today confirms the slide of the Tories with their lead over Labour 'crashed' to just one point.

The Mirror beautifully summarises the Cameron conference dilemma:

Today's devastating results for Cameron comes as he battles to prove his party is not a "policy-free zone". He will face a backlash after his Shadow Chancellor George Osborne ruled out tax cuts at the next election.

The pledge will put Cameron on a collision course with rightwing Tories at their conference in Bournemouth. It flies in the face of a Tory tax commission which is set to recommend next month tax cuts of almost £20billion.


  1. I think they believe that they should hang fire on any detailed policies to try and prevent themselves from being out bid by the Labour Party under Blair, Brown or whoever. They may of course find themselves caught out if Brown decides to go for an early election or if they end up in fighting about the direction of their party close to a general election

  2. Nice to hear from you Tony. I am sure you are right and conversely, the Tories might end up nicking our tax policies, as they are so good!

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